Legal Bookkeeping

More on The Benefits of Using LEAP Legal Software

An overview of client accounting with LEAP was discussed in one of our previous articles. In this one, we will be taking a deeper dive into how using LEAP as your law firm’s legal practice management software benefits your business.

Further Introduction to LEAP

LEAP, as you might already be aware of, is a legal practice management software. Keeping small law firms and sole practitioners, LEAP is the slice of life that all law firms require. It enables a better workflow with a robust set of features. Accounting, document creation and management and automated billing become as easy as a breeze.

LEAP’s usages exceed any of the other legal practice management software.

  • Matter Management

LEAP enables users to store all case matters, event files, documentations etc. in one place, easily accessible with a dedicated username and password. Remote accessibility eliminates the need to be physically present in the premises.

  • Document Automation

Manual document creation is replaced with LEAP. Automated templates make document creation easy, with the option to save the presets for future. Letters, contracts, client files and other types of document creation become hassle-free.

  • Tracking and Billing

Real-time tracking of expenses lets users keep updates on invoices. Users can easily set hourly rates or modify bills for individual clients, which are then tracked for accuracy.

  • Scheduling

LEAP maintains a calendar where users can stay updated with upcoming legal events. Time-sensitivity is key for legal practice, and LEAP offers no compromises.

  • Extensive Analytics

Reports on every billing, receivables, payables and others are made locally in LEAP. Users can catch up with these reports, analyse, and then formulate future plans for their law firms. It all depends on the profitability or the shortcomings.

Further Introduction to LEAP

Useful Features of LEAP Legal Software

  • User-friendly Interface

LEAP Legal Software’s user interface has ease of use. Legal professionals will have no trouble getting used to the mechanics of the interface. Clients new to LEAP are assisted with tips and tutorials to get them more acquainted. The interface is color-coded for each different features, and it can be customised to the user’s preference.

  • Third-party Software Integration

LEAP’s ability to integrate itself with other useful productivity softwares makes law firms more efficient with their workflow. Some of the softwares that LEAP integrates with are as follows:

– LawPay for automatic payment processing.
– DropBox, Google Drive and OneDrive for storing important documents
– Gmail and Outlook for easy mailing access
– QuickBooks Online for financial record synchronisation

  • Active Customer Support

LEAP Legal Software has integrated videos to help new clients to get around. Online training tutorials, weekly webinars and a friendly community forum make it easy to get started with LEAP. Apart from that, LEAP provides 24/7 customer service through mail or phone calls to its subscribed clients. The customer service team is resilient with their knowledge and is always there to help out.

  • Mobile Application

The LEAP Mobile App takes remote accessibility and work efficiency to a whole new level. It lets users access their files seamlessly from anywhere in the world. Users can make new entries and modify existing case matters, check important mails or analyse recent activities to stay updated through the app.

Benefits of using LEAP Legal Software

Here is a broken-down list of all the benefits you get from implementing LEAP into your law firm’s accounting system.

  • Better Organisation
  • Increased Productivity
  • Efficient Time Savings
  • Seamless Accessibility
  • Improved Client Satisfaction
  • Profitable Future Plans

    LEAP in 2023

    A year-in-review often helps people to make their decision on what legal software they want for their law firms.

    According to one of LEAP’s published articles, LEAP’s 2023 was a year full of milestones. Since its emergence back in 1992, LEAP’s only objective has been to serve its clients well. LEAP provides features that no other legal practice management software in the market provides. A robust gallery of features combined with exceptional service support has turned LEAP into the only solution to every law firm’s problems.


    LEAP caters to all legal practicing bodies, from sole practitioners to large law firms. It is, however, always advisable to let a hired expert in legal bookkeeping and accounting take over your law firm’s financial records using LEAP. With LEAP’s gallery of useful features and the expertise of your hired accountant, your law firm’s future can be in safe hands.

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